Economic Development

Our economic development activities in the City of Estacada are guided by the following precepts:

  1. Economic Development is not just about jobs; it is about strengthening communities so job creation can occur organically.
  2. Effective economic development builds upon the assets we do have rather than trying to artificially create what we do not.
  3. Healthy, rural economies are diverse in terms of firm types and sizes.
  4. All community-minded businesses are welcome in Estacada.
  5. Downtown is more than a commercial district. It is the heart of our community and the first impression by which our City will be judged and remembered. Revitalizing downtown should be prioritized accordingly.
  6. While we work to grow tourism in Estacada, we also seek to bolster year-round businesses that serve local residents as well as visitors.
  7. We naturally attract more and complementary business by building a diverse and robust business community, a culture of entrepreneurism, and a reputation for being a City that is a pleasure to work with.
  8. Perception is reality. 21st century marketing that is aesthetically pleasing, of professional quality, and which highlights the very best of Estacada can shift the thinking of potential visitors, residents, and private investment.
  9. Clear, concise entitlement and permitting processes demonstrate our desire to help you grow or locate your business in Estacada.
  10. Economic Development staff should be readily accessible, a competent guide, and a business’s advocate where appropriate.
Development Incentives