Paul Strobel

First Appointed: July 27, 2020
Elected: November 3, 2020
Term Ends: December 31, 2024


Councilor Stobel moved to Estacada with his family in 2011. He quickly got involved in the community volunteering on Estacada’s drug free coalition and serving on the board of the Performing Arts Group of Estacada (where he made his stage debut ‘rapping’ Jabberwocky). He continues to serve on the board of 300 Main and the board of the Downtown Estacada Commission. He currently owns and operates the State Farm office in Estacada. Prior to this job he worked as a financial analyst with State Farm and Portland General Electric. Prior to that he was a social worker in downtown Portland. Councilor Strobel also serves on the city’s budget committee and the budget committee for the Estacada Cemetery Division. He and his wife, Tamara, have 3 kids who have graduated from Estacada high school. They enjoy backpacking and hiking throughout the northwest.

Goals as They Relate to Position

Estacada is a wonderful and growing community. Councilor Strobel would like to see Estacada have the infrastructure and systems in place to handle the growth while maintaining it's beauty and charm. He would like to see the city continue to welcome new residents, businesses, and visitors all the while partnering with current residents and businesses to create a safe and thriving community.

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