Jonathan Metcalf

First Appointed: September 11, 2023


Jonathan Metcalf moved to Estacada at the beginning of 2015. Jonathan, although not an Estacada native, was born and raised in Oregon. Jonathan met his wife here in Estacada and now has four beautiful children who attend the Estacada school district. Jonathan is a Marine corps combat veteran who served two different deployments in Afghanistan. Jonathan volunteers and coaches youth football here in Estacada for his son's team. Jonathan is a passionate man, dedicated to continuing his service through new channels at the city government level. Jonathan is committed to the idea of personal excellence and hopes to bring that to the table for the community.

Goals as They Relate to Position

My heart is to help this community through acts of service. I am committed to seeing more of the younger generations of community members get involved. I hope to inspire, educate and promote strength of character, personal excellence and dedication to community and family.  My goal is to bring a solution based mindset through action to the forefront of the community. The only way to inspire others is to go first, so here I am. I would love to see more of you get involved and make your voices heard. Together we can continue to strive to protect our community and see it grow from a place the majority can agree on.

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