Charity Hughes

First Elected: November 3, 2020
Term Ends: December 31, 2024


Councilor Hughes moved to Estacada with her family in 2016. Even though she spent the majority of her years in the metro area, she was a small town girl at heart. Estacada has been the perfect town for her husband, and 2 children.

She currently volunteers as a fitness coach in Sandy Oregon and the gym serves many members of the Estacada Community. She also volunteers as a coach for the Estacada Junior Cheer and Dance team and has prior experience as the HOA President at her previous residence.

Currently she is a stay at home mother of 2 children, and while prior to 2019 she worked in the dental field for nearly 2 decades, she is enjoying the privilege of raising a family and volunteering in her community.

Goals as They Relate to Position

Councilor Hughes would like to see continued and responsible growth in Estacada, yet she wants Estacada to preserve its small town charm and sense of community, and would like more local and main street business to open which would provide jobs for our citizens and boost tourism. She would like to work with local first responders (Fire, CERT, and Law Enforcement) and our city management team in order to update our city’s Emergency Preparedness Plan. She is honored to serve the city of Estacada and to be a voice for the community.

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