Online Resources

Libraries in Clackamas County (LINCC) offers downloadable eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and other online resources free to anyone with a library card. Get started with eBooks, eAudiobooks & eMagazines. You will find information on searching for eBooks, the various applications available, and how-to video tutorials.


Libby allows you to download eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines onto your tablet, eReader, phone, or computer. Libby is free for all LINCC cardholders.

Estacada Library created a Libby User Guide that is perfect for those new to Libby. You may download the file below.


BookFlix is an online literacy resource from Scholastic that pairs interactive, fictional video storybooks with related nonfiction eBooks for children ages 0-10. More information can be found here.

Online Database Resources

One of the greatest perks of having a LINCC library card is the ability to access a wide range of subject databases from your home. Use your library card number and PIN to access these online resources, Some of the databases include: full-text magazine and newspaper resources, interactive language learning programs, encyclopedias for school-age kids, genealogy databases, health & medical information, and much more.

Supporting Documents