Library of Things Collection


Estacada’s Library of Things (LoT) collection consists of such items as kitchenware, musical instruments, craft supplies, games and recreational gear that users can check out with their Libraries in Clackamas County (LINCC) library card.

Library of Things collections promote sustainability by encouraging sharing, the ability to try before you buy, and access to rarely used household items. The collection supports our library’s goals of providing new and popular materials to stimulate imagination, provide new leisure activities and experiences, and promote lifelong learning. Estacada’s LoT collection allows users to try out “things” when money, available space, or other reasons might prevent you from purchasing those items.

If you want to check-out a LoT item from our library collection it needs to be picked up and returned at Estacada Library. Items can not be returned to a different Clackamas County library. Browse the Estacada’s Library of Things Collection.